Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 12/12 FINAL WEEK!

MON. DEC. 17

Diagonal Reach across on Stability Ball 2 x 8 each. 35 lbs. DB

DB Side to side steps 2 x 7 steps each way. 100 lbs. DB's

2 Handed DB Swings 4 x 6 (35, 55, 70, 90 lbs.)

Pistol Squat holding the rack with my off hand 2 x 4 - 6 (held a 45 lbs. Plate in my other hand.)

Weighted Squat Jump holding a 45 lbs. plate. 2 x 12

1 Legged Skater Squat with back leg on bench 2 x 12 each

Side to Side Squat Jump plyometrics 2 x 12
(Surprised I could do these atall. Read below...)

Medicine Ball Press and catch plyometrics laying on Stability Ball 4 x 6 (12 lbs.)

Back Extension on Stability Ball 4 x 6 (12 lbs. Medicine Ball)

(Crunched my foot really bad on Saturday mis stepping on a breakfall for a sweeping hip throw and foot blew up like a catcher's mit. But still finished the class. Was hurting pretty bad til Sunday night on the side and bottom of foot. Little toe was all greyish, purple-brown too. NICE! Today was ok though. Probably numb from all the cold and ice and snowstorming.)

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