Tuesday, November 20, 2007

WEEK 8/12

MON. NOV. 19

Reach Across on Ball 2 x 8 each side 35 lbs. DB

Medicine Ball Side to Side 2 min. with a 12 lbs. ball.

Medicine Ball Uneven Push ups 1x each side as many as I could.

(Tried a Clock first. One side was good but the other sucked really badly so did the push ups to get something out of it.)

DB Press sitting on stability ball 4 x 5 50 lbs.'s

(Can probably go up to 55's next time )

Slow Mo Military Press 4 x 5 175 lbs.

(Better today!)

Low Cable Crossover Rows 4 x 5 110's lbs.

(Rowing in both at the same time.)

Close Grip Chins 4 x 5 (bodyweight only)

Seated Chest Press machine 4 x 5 200 lbs. stack.

Alternated with...

BOSU ball Push ups 4 x til Failure

Lateral Raise on Stability Ball 4 x 5 45's lbs.

1 Arm/1 Legged High Row on Lat Pull 2 x 8 each 110 lbs.

Side to Side Walking 2 x 8 (holding 100 lbs. Dumbbell in each hand like a sideways Farmers Walk.)

Alternating Dumbbell Row (seesaw style holding 100 lbs. Dumbbell in each hand ) 2 x 8 each side.

1 Arm Seated Row 2 x 8 each 140 lbs.

Thick Bar Body Rows 2 x til Failure.
(1 set wide and 1 set close grip)

Did everything RAW without belt or straps.

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