Thursday, April 29, 2010



1 Arm Clean & Press: 50, 60, 70, 80, *100lbs.* x 1 *New PR* :D

Standing Military Press in the power rack: 135, 145, 155, 185 x 1
##250 lbs. MISS!## (new maximum attempt.)
(Went back down to 230 lbs. )

Close Grip Chins with weight around my waist 1 x 8, 6, 4 (140, 150, 160 lbs.)
JUMPSTRETCH BANDS Push ups 1 x 8, 6, 4 (1 purple, 1 Green, 1 purple + 1 Green band together.)

JUMPSTRETCH BANDS Tricep Pressdowns 1 x 8, 6, 4
(Grabbed up higher on the band each set to increase the resistance. Wanted to try these out.)

Mini bands Shoulder Side and Front Raises 1 x 60 each arm.
(Did bands instead of dumbbells for a change and different feel. More constant tension.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

(Sparring and Grappling)

1 Arm Dumbbell Clean & Press:
50, 60, 70, 80, 90 lbs. x 3

Standing Barbell Chest Press:
45, 55, 65, 95, 115 x 3

Behind Neck Smith Machine Press:
135, 145, 155, 185, 195 x 3
(I find these are kinder to my shoulders and safer than a barbell behind the neck. A little variety too.)

ROLLING THUNDER Cable Curl 1 x 10, 8, 6 (110, 120, 130lbs.)
1 Arm Tricep Cable Pressdowns 1 x 10, 8, 6 (110, 120, 130lbs.)


Speed Deadlifts w/chains:
50% 1RM 4 X 2
60% 1RM 4 X 2
(30 sec. between sets)
(Wanted to change up from the squats all the time.)

Zercher Squats 225, 245, 275, 295, 325 x 3

Tire Flip 6 Flips
(450 tire + 300 lbs. in plates inside the rim.)
(Needed better shoes with some traction as I was slipping all over forward when I'd try to push into the tire and walk it up. Failed it about 4x. Heavy as well too.
Finally just crushed some chalk on the floor and walked around in that to get some grit which worked. Not very fun!)

Sledgehammer Overhead Strikes to Tire 1 x 100
(After the tire flip sucking earlier I took my frustration out and beat the !$$ out of it with the sledgehammer swings!)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Log Lift: 135, 145, 155, 175, 185 x 5

Speed Squats w/chains 50% 1RM 8 X 2
(30 sec. between sets)

Zercher Squats 225, 245, 275, 295, 315 x 5
Reverse Hyperextensions:
5 x 5 350 lbs.
3 x 20 225 lbs.

Sledgehammer Strikes to Tire 1 x 100 each side.


1 Arm Dumbbell Clean & Press:
50, 60, 70, 80, 90 lbs. x 3
(Personal best of sorts as 90 lbs. used to be my 1 repetition max.)

Standing Log Bar Chest Press:
45, 55, 65, 95, 115 x 3
(Cool exercise. I like it and this will help with any pushing/punching power.)

Standing Military Press:
135, 145, 155, 185, 225 x 3

EZ Curl Bar Curl 1 x 10, 8, 6 (180, 190, 200 lbs.)
Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions 1 x 10, 8, 6 (170, 180, 190 lbs.)

TUES. APR. 20TH JUIJITSU (Mostly helped teach the kids class and the white belt adults.)

Speed Squats w/chains 50% 1RM 8 X 2
(30 sec. between sets)

Zercher Squats 225, 245, 275, 295, 325 x 3

Barbell Good Mornings:
185, 205, 225, 245, **285 lbs.** x 3
(Another new maximum here.)

Farmers Walk bars Shrugs:
120, 130, 140, 170, 190 lbs. a side x 3

Planks 3x as long as possible.

Side to side Rotations with 45 lbs. plate. 1 x 100 each side.

(REALLY GOOD day today. Fealt really strong despite some bad joint pain lately. TIGER BALM is your friend!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Speed Floor Press w/chains 50% 1RM 8 X 3
(30 sec. between sets)

Standing Barbell Press in the power rack
135, 145, 155, 185, 215 x 5

Smith machine Shrugs:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 plates a side x 5

Smith machine Row (palms up)
1, 2, 3, 4 plates a side x 5
4 45 lbs. plates and 10 lbs. a side x 5

1 Arm HAMMER STRENGTH style Row:
135, 165, 180, 200, 230 lbs. x 5

Lateral Raises 3 x 10 70's lbs.
Rear Delt Raises 3 x 10 60's lbs.
Dumbbell Front Raises 3 x 10 40's lbs.

1 Arm Cable Pressdowns 1 x 12, 10, 8 (100, 110, 120 lbs.)
1 Arm Cable Curls 1 x 12, 10, 8 (100, 110, 120 lbs.)


Clean & Press 135, 145, 155, 175, 185 x 5

Stiff Legged Deadlift off smith machine:
1, 2, 3, 4 plates a side x 5
4 45 lbs. plates and 15 lbs. a side x 5
(Didn't like these.)

Speed Squats w/chains 50% 1RM 8 X 2
(30 sec. between sets)

Zercher Squats 225, 245, 275, 295, 315 x 5
Cable Pull Thru's 1 x 100 50 lbs.


Speed Bench Press w/chains 50% 1RM 8 X 3
(30 sec. between sets)

Close Grip Bench Press:
1 x 12, 10, 8 (195, 215, 225)

Apollon Axle thick bar Curl:
1 x 12, 10, 8 (120, 130, 140)

Farmers Walk bars Shrugs:
120, 130, 140, 170, 180 lbs. a side x 5

1 Arm Dumbbell Row:
100, 120, 150, 170, 200 lbs. x 5

Seated Military Press in the power rack
135, 145, 155, 185, 215 x 5

1 Arm Side Raise
1 Arm Front Raise
1 Arm Rear Delt Raise
using Purple JUMPSTRETCH mini band
1 x 30 each and each side
(Tried something different here thanks to A good way to finish the shoulders.)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Speed Squats 8 x 2 @ 50% 1RM 205 lbs. plus chains hanging off the bar.
(Was too lazy to set up the bands :lol: So did chains.)

APOLLON AXLE Clean & Press:
4 x 2 @ 50% 1RM 80 LBS.
4 x 2 @ 60% 1RM 100 LBS.
(Wanted to work on more technique with the Axle. I really prefer doing Clean & Press in ANY way as a maximum lift or single rep sets.)

Barbell Good Mornings 1 x 100 @ 50% 1RM 135 lbs.
(Pretty much the Dynamic warm up here so far.)

Tire Flip 750 lbs. 5 reps.
(450 tire + 300 lbs. in plates inside the rim.)
(I'm surprised I got the 5th flip because after 3 it was heavy. Dropped the tire back and reset each rep. No cheating!)

Sled Backward Drags: 8x dropping weight off each set. Start at 375 down to 150 lbs. About 25 - 50 lbs. off each time.

(The tire and sled were the main work out.)

Purple AVERAGE JUMP STRETCH band Seated Back Extensions 1 x 100
( Sitting on the bench with the band under my feet. Good way to stretch out my back and get the blood in.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


THURS. APR. 8TH JUIJITSU 2 Hr. class. (Sparring and techniques/throws)

Bottom Position Bench Press with 20 lbs. chains hanging from the bar:
4 x 2 @ 50% 1RM
4 X 2 @ 60% 1RM
(About 30 seconds rest between 2's)
(When I got into my groove on the bench and locked in it fealt good. But the last set I didn't have much left to explode the bar up.)

Standing Military Press:
4 x 2 @ 50% 1RM
4 X 2 @ 60% 1RM
(About 30 seconds rest between 2's)
(Right knee was locking up so had to do these really strict shoulder pressing with no push press from the legs.)

HAMMER STRENGTH 1 Arm Low Row 4 x 8 @ 190 lbs.
HAMMER STRENGTH ISO Chest PRESS/FLYE 4 x 5 @ 85 lbs a side. (HEAVY!)

Pinch Grip Chins off the power rack frame: 1 x 15

1 Arm "GRAPPLER" Press: 45, 55, 70, 80, 90 x 5
(Loading 1 end of the barbell and wedging the empty end into the corner and doing pressing grabbing the loaded end.)

Front Static Hold with 45, 35, 25 lbs. plate for as long as possible each.
(A set of front deltoid raises with each weight til failure followed.)

Cable Side Bends 1 x 100 each side 80 lbs.

(Not a very exciting day really.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



Log Bar Close Grip Bench 4 x 5 230 lbs.
(Fealt like crap!)

APOLLON AXLE Clean & Press:
70, 90, 110, 130 x 1 and 160 Cleaned it to my shoulders but couldn't re grip for the Press. Did these Glen Ross style.
Need more technique work. The Cleans weren't that hard just the transition grip into the press. Pressing it wasn't a problem either.
Happy with that though but not satisfied.

APOLLON AXLE Curls 4 x 5 160
(Grip, arms and just my whole system was fried at this point.)

Band Crunches 1 x 100
Reverse Hypers 1 x 50 180 lbs.

Sled Drag 8x dropping weight off each set. Start at 360 down to 150 lbs. About 50 lbs. off each time. Instead of regular cardio intervals.


Log Bar Close Grip Bench 5 x 5 ( 135, 155 185, 200, 230 lbs.)
(Fealt a lot better.)

Log Bent Rows 5 x 5 (135, 155, 175, 185, 205 lbs.)

Standing Barbell Press in the power rack:
135, 145 , 155, 185, 205 x 5
(Fealt really good and strong here. Knee and ankle are cleared up.)

Kettlebell 1 Arm Press 30, 40, 55, 80 x 5
alternated with....
Wide Grip Chins 5x 5 (bodyweight only)

Kettlebell Side Bends 1 x 100 each with 80 lbs.

APOLLON AXLE Reverse Curls
110, 130, , 160, 180, 190 x 5

Sledgehammer Tire Side Strikes 1 x 50 each side
(I really like this exercise adding the tire resistance. Dunno if I have some unresolved issues it helps or what? But it's fun!)

Moved really quickly thru this one in time for Easter dinner out with family.


Dumbbell Shrugs 100, 120, 150, 170's lbs. x 5
(Plate loaded dumbbells in the GAAARRR - RAAAAGE experiment to see how heavy I could go.)

Bottom Position Squat in the power rack with Purple AVERAGE JUMPSTRETCH bands tied to the bar.: 135, 225, 315, 335 lbs. plus bands x 5
(I usually use bands or chains for light speed work. But did max effort with bands today just to shock my squats. Been almost 2 years since I did this.)

Bottom Position Front Squat in the power rack: 185, 205, 225, 235 x 5
(Bar weight)

Reverse Hyperextensions 5 x 5 350 lbs. (Heavy.)
Ab Wheel Roll outs til failure.

Heavy bag intervals 5x
(Totally drained now.)

Wanted to go to Ancaster gym but didn't want to swim there in the rain. So did everything in the GAAARRR - RAAAAGE GYM. Able to get some stuff done around home too today.