Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Just getting over a stomach flu.

Stone lifting with the 200 lbs. natural stone. Fealt HEAVY!
Farmers Walk 1x 170's (Fealt REALLY HEAVY today! Feeling really beat up today.)

At the gym,
Bottom Position Squats 135, 225, 315 x 5
345 x 2 x 5
(went ok, just ok, got them.)

Military Press in the power rack (standing)
45, 105, 135 x 5
195 x 2 x 5, 1 x 3
(3 was just a bonus set)

Cable Crunch with 150 cable crossover stack. 1 set max reps

Neck Curls sitting with the plate behind my head: 45, 35, 25 lbs. max reps.

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