OK this will be a catch all post of the work outs I did while in Australia for 2 weeks. (July 27 - Aug. 12th)
Week 1
Trained at BEACH HOUSE FITNESS www.bhfc.com.au
Shrug machine Deadlifts (grabbing the bottom lower handles) 4 x 5 pyramided up to 375 lbs. not counting the machine, plates only.
Smith machine Knee level 18" Deadlifts 4 x 5 pyramided up to 450 lbs.
Military Press 4 x 5 pyramided up to 185 lbs. in the power rack.
Hanging Twisting side to side knee raises 1 x 50 each side alternating.
Bridging 5x max reps
Stability Ball Push ups feet on ball 1 x 25
DAY 2 Max reps each at the house
Bodyweight only Squats
Judo (Hindu ) Push ups (Also called dive bombers)
Front and Back Bridging 1 set each way.
Toe Raises
Bottom Position Bench Press 135, 335, 275, 295, 325 x 1
Chins 1 x 25 (bodyweight)
Close Grip Bottom Position Bench Press 5 x 5 245 lbs.
Planks max time hold.
Feet on Stability Ball
Hands on medicine balls
Uneven Plank 1 hand on medicine ball 1x each hand.
Push up postion locked out
Elbows and Toes
Close Grip with Both hands on medicine ball
Front and Back Bridging 1 set each way.
Week 2
Day 1 (at the house)
Finger tip Push ups 1 x 15
Bodyweight only Squats 2 x 30 sec. up & 30 sec. down
Neck manual resistance isometrics 20 sec. all 4 ways.
Bodyweight only Squats 500 reps
1 Legged Bodyweight only Squats 5 x 15 each
DAY 2 (Found DOHERTY'S GYM www.dohertysgym.com and this is where I did the rest of my work outs.)
Monolift Squats 135, 225, 275, 315, 335 lbs. x 1
(Was looking forward to trying this new version as there's no walking in & out with it. Just lift it off the hinges. But kinda fiddley and you need someone to unlock it each set and if you go really heavy, a spotter too. So you and 2 others ideally.)
So continued on after that with.....
Bottom Position Squats in the power rack: 315, 335, 365,*385*,*405* x 1
*With a spotter, Tony, and NEW PR*
Barbell Curl: 135, 155, 185, 205, 215 x 1
Military Press in the power rack: 45,135, 155 x 1 then 175 x 10 x 1
supersetted with
Rack Snatch Grip High Pulls 135, 155, 225 x 1 then 245 x 10 x 1
(10 supersets x 1 rep of each exercise at 75 % 1RM Surprisingly tough! Not heavy but the volume.)
A couple guys across the gym were training grip for a Grip Strength contest next month. After watching a bit they asked me if I wanted to try Verticle Bar lift.
First time trying this one like deadlifting a hammer with the weight at the bottom straight up. I managed a 200 lbs. 1 rep lift so I guess that's my 1RM there.
I worked up to 180 lbs., did it and went for a 200 lbs. attempt, but lost it half way up. Waited for my turn again and backed up to 195 lbs. and just got that barely! But *Another NEW PR*
Got invited to the grip contest but was 6 weeks away and was leaving back to Canada Sunday. Next time I visit hopefully!
DAY 4 (Saturday a.m.)
Bodyweight work out as my back and legs were still feeling it from the earlier week training.
1 Legged Squats x 5 each leg alternating as many times as I could
1 Arm Rope Body Rows x 5 each side alternating as many times as I could
(grabbing the climbing rope in the boxing area and leaning back and sitting down pulling myself up with feet against the wall)
Uneven Push ups x 5 each side alternating as many times as I could
(with 1 hand on the step )
Hanging Leg Raise and Hanging Knee Raise x 5 each alternating as many times as I could.
Seated High Incline DB Press Lock outs worked up to 95's lbs. each (I think) for reps, 2 sets.
Seated High Incline Barbell Press Lock outs in the rack. worked up to 275 x 5 (pyramided up 5 x 5)
Flew home Sun. Aug. 12, 11:15 a.m. and got home Aug. 12th (EST my time so next day gaining a day back) around 10 p.m.
MON. Aug. 13th (I think JET LAG!!!)
Couldn't sleep so went to gym and....
Handstand Push up (against wall using dumbbells as push up bars. )3 x 25
Dips 3 x 25
Back Exension (arms outstretched infront with 1 leg raised off bench)
1 x 30 each
Seated Knee Raises 1 x 40
Calf Raise off steps 3 x 30 (Toes in, out, straight)
Stability Ball Squats holding medicine ball between knees 3 x 25
Close/Wide Grip Chins 1 set each max reps
Isometric Neck Reistance 15 sec. 4 ways
DB Shoulder Press 3 x 25 with 60 lbs. each
Grippers 2 x 25
Slept for 6 1/2 hours 7 pm til 1:30 a.m.!!!!
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