Saturday, October 20, 2007



FRI. OCT. 19

Unstable 1 Legged Clock 2 x 12 each
(Getting this exercise I think. Still weird.)

Dumbbell Windmills 2 x 8 each side (35 lbs.)
(Went a little heavier here, no belt of course.)

Cable 4 way walking:
Walking while pulling the weight cable along overhead. Backward, Forward, Left sideways, Right sideways for 3 trips each.

1 Legged/ 1 Arm Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlift: 35 lbs., 55 lbs. 70 lbs. x 4
Alternated with...
APOLLON AXLE 2" barbell Deadlifts 3 x 4 330 lbs.
Kicked ass on these and making big jumps on them since my max was 340 last time I tried it. Gonna keep riding with it since it seems to be on a roll!

Put on a bit of a show here too with a few members asking about this exercise with the thicker than normal bar and watching my lifting. One was a former Olympic style lifter back when they had the Press as well as the Clean & Jerk and Snatch like they do now. We talked about when he used to read and collect STRENGTH & HEALTH magazine. Pre MUSCLE & FITNESS or FLEX. I know about that from my reading and web But it was neat to talk to someone who actually had it in print.

A couple other trainers were working the Olympic lifts for technique so there was some great energy there then. )

Plie' Squats 3 x 12 100 lbs. DB
(Was in a hurry to finish to get lunch and stuff before my next clients so I used this instead.)
Alternated with....
Jump Squats 3 x 12

Smith Machine Step ups on a REEBOK step 3 x 4 at 90% or 275 lbs.
Alternated with ....
Smith Machine Squats 3 x 5 (same weight as above)

Calf Raise 2 x 8 (Full weight stack 400 lbs.)

Stiff Legged Deadlift 2 x 8 at 80% or 340
Stability Ball Roll outs 2 x 8
1 Legged Seated Leg Curl 2 x 8 each at 80% or 70 lbs.

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