Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OCT. 15

Reach over on stability ball 2 x 8 each side with a 25 lbs. DB

Plyometric Jumps 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)

Side Step ups holding a 45 lbs. plate in my outside hand. 2 x 1 min. each leg (with 1 minute rest between)

Band Squat & Body Row Pull ups 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)

Smith Machine Lunges 2 x 1 min. alternating legs "walking" (with 1 minute rest between) at 60% of heaviest or 190 lbs.

Band Tricep Extensions 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)

Power Stair Squats 1 x 25 with 190 lbs.

Cable Shoulder Press in the Cable Crossover station: 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between) with 50 lbs. a side.

Cable Chest Press in the Cable Crossover station: 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between) with 60 lbs. a side.

Heavy/Light Stone lifting max reps each.
(Quick as I had only so much time before I had to be back at work at the gym for my clients and orientations) www.phoenixfitness.ca
Legs were really tired after the gym work and I fealt it when trying to innitiate the lifts by squatting up the stones. When I'm fresh they'll go right up!

OCT. 16
JUIJITSU 1 hr. class.
(Day off work so just a CRASH day out of the rain.)


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