Monday, October 8, 2007


Unstable 1 Legged Clock 2 x 12 each
(Standing with 1 foot elevated on an inflated "Fit Disc" or whatever those things are called. You step/touch your foot together around as if doing around a clock. WEIRD exercise!)

Dumbbell Windmills 2 x 8 each side (20, 30 lbs.)
(Simillar to a kettlebell exercise where I lifted the weight up like a super side raise and twisted around so the weight was overhead and my body looked like a windmill at the end.)

Cable 4 way walking:
Walking while pulling the weight cable along overhead. Backward, Forward, Left sideways, Right sideways for 3 trips each.
Fun exercise. With the core all warmed up next was.....

1 Legged/ 1 Arm Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlift: 35 lbs., 55 lbs. 70 lbs. x 4
Alternated with...
APOLLON AXLE 2" barbell Deadlifts 3 x 4 310 lbs. or 90%
Was surprised how strong I fealt on the deadlifts as I thought the 1 arm's would take it out of me due to the balance and extra stress on the back and hamstrings.

Duck Squats 3 x 12 225 lbs.
(Done with a cable bar attached to a loading pin to simulate power stairs in a strongman contest.)
Alternated with....
Plyo metric Jumps 3 x 12

Smith Machine Step ups on a REEBOK step 3 x 4 at 90% or 275 lbs.
Alternated with ....
Smith Machine Squats 3 x 5 (same weight as above)
HEAVY!!!!! on the Step ups.

Calf Raise 2 x 8 (Full weight stack 400 lbs.)

Stiff Legged Deadlift 2 x 8 at 80% or 340
(I like doing these on the smith machine feeling the exercise working more effectively where it should.)
Ab Wheel Roll outs 2 x 8
(OLD SCHOOL! Stuff.)
1 Legged Seated Leg Curl 2 x 8 each at 80% or 70 lbs.
(Lots of posterior chain, hamstrings in this finishing triplet.)

Reach over on stability ball 2 x 8 each side with 10 lbs.
(Laying on a stability ball reach over your shoulder across the body with a slight twist.)

Plyometric Jumps 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)
(Got more fancy here with back n forth and side to side and 4 corner jumps.)

Side Step ups holding a 45 lbs. plate in my outside hand. 1 min. each leg (with 1 minute rest between)

Bodyweight Squat & Pull ups 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)

Smith Machine Lunges 2 x 1 min. alternating legs (with 1 minute rest between) at 60% of heaviest or 190 lbs.

Bar Bodyweight Tricep Extensions 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between)

Dumbbell Plie' Squats 1 x 25 with 115 lbs.
(Tipped the DB on its end and picked it up around the plates and squatted sumo style.)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between) with 50 lbs. a side.

Dumbbell Chest Press 2 x 1 min. (with 1 minute rest between) with 60 lbs. a side.

(Lots of modifications here from last Monday's work out as I was home for Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and training at the gym there instead of my normal one. Will do the "Loading" circuits later in the week.)

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