Wednesday, October 10, 2007


WED. OCT. 10
Reach over on stability ball 2 x 8 each side with 25 lbs.
(Laying on a stability ball reach over your shoulder across the body with a slight twist. Got these done quick first because they look way too femanine!
Warming up for.....)

Knee Level Deadlifts 4 x 6 455 lbs.
(I did the same way again with the plates farther out and 10 lbs. heavier. Different balance point all together with the plates farther to the ends. Very slow squeeze the bar off the pins and up to lock out. Pulling the bar into me and come up slow. Rather than rip it up explosively. YAAAAAAH! )

Military Press
4 x 6 195 lbs. or 85%
(Fealt heavy today.)

Smith Machine Lunges 3 x 5 (275 lbs. or 85%)
each alternated with
Smith Machine Squats 3 x 10 (same weight 275 lbs.)
(This is NASTY! )

Dumbbell Crush Rows 30, 55, 75, 90 lbs. x 6
(A kettlebell exercise holding the dumbbell by the plates sides crushing the pectorals together to hold it while doing the rows. Like an accordian. )

1 Arm Reverse Cable Tricep Extensions 4 x 6 70 lbs.

(The one pure basic gym lifting day in the first 3 week portion of the 12.)

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