Saturday, March 8, 2008


Starting another strongman training macro cycle like last year. Since it went so well I'm doing it again! :D

The last 2 weeks (Pre Phase) looked like this.....

DAY 1 & 3
Apollon Axle Deadlifts 3 x 5 or 3 x 15 - 25
Trap Bar from the floor 3 x 5 or 3 x 15 - 25
DB Swings (2 handed) 35, 55, 70, 90 x 5
DB or Cable Chest Press supersetted with DB or Cable Rows 3 x failure as in a triple drop with 100's, 80's, 60's for both exercises.

1 Legged Pistol Squats supersetted with Wide and Close Grip Chins max reps each with bodyweight.

(Based on

Cleans supersetted with Bench Press with 50 - 70% of my bodyweight x 5 each as many times back n forth in 7 minutes as I can.
Carries 85 lb heavy bag , Farmers Walk with 100's as many times back n forth in 7 minutes as I can.
Neck Curls front and back of the head 2 x 30 with 25 lbs. plate
Cable Woodcutters 50 lbs. as many times back n forth in 7 minutes as I can.
Medicine Ball side to side with a 12 lbs. ball for reps in 7 min.

(Based on a conditioning routine I developed for wrestling and sport Juijitsu/MMA. )


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