Monday, March 24, 2008

SAT. MAR. 22

Juijitsu 90 min.

Zercher Squats 3 x 20 (205, 255, 285 lbs.)
(with the bar held in the crooks of my arms at waist level.)

Dumbbell Pullovers 3 x 20 (55, 65, 75 lbs.)

Deadlifts (olympic bar) 3 x 20 (215, 275, 315 lbs.)
Pullovers 3 x 20 (55, 65, 75 lbs.) (Done SUPER SQUATS style.)

Shrugs with the weight behind me. 3 x 20 (325 lbs., 385 lbs., 440 lbs.)

Run & Lift 10 x 5 40% (75 lbs. Power Cleans x 5 and sprint.)

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