Saturday, September 8, 2007



Did the crossfit thing this morning. Won the deadlift easily with a 385 lbs. with a belt only. Had it won at 365 lbs. earlier but came out and did my 3rd with the 385 I knew I could already get. Token for show 3rd lift. 355 lbs. got 2nd. Scary thing was that I fealt good enough to do 10 or maybe 20 more lbs. after that! Happy with that event!

Good start but screwed up on pull ups thinking a close palms down grip would be better because I could use more biceps too. Nope! Blew my lead.

The 5 min. 53 lbs./24 kg kettlebell snatches was A BEAST! I could only do with my left side so was tougher because you were allowed to switch but it was too awkward for me to switch arms so did the whole 5 min. left handed.
Didn't have an expectation on this event because it was so different and weird and you can't know really.

Funny because the pull ups were something I really trained hard before this and I haven't deadlifted in about 6 weeks before today. (1 trap bar work out in Australia with rack partials after but that's it and not the same thing.) Was surprised that I won the thing I didn't train for and didn't with the one I'd worked on for like 2 monthes leading up to.
But I think all the Bottom Position Squats I did in the power rack built my back and hips enough to carry over to the deadlift maximum weight power. Starting the squats in training at parallel dead stop/start and it either goes up or it doesn't. Same as a deadlift. Same muscle groups as well.

Chins are also a "lighter guy " event and was the heaviest there at 207 lbs. which helped in the deadlifts. But still.

I'll be back for the next one for sure! Better than now.
Interesting that there are no pressing events in this thing just back and hips pulling events. ??

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