Saturday, September 22, 2007


JUIJITSU 1 hr. (belt techniques and stand up sparring. Fealt awesome but jammed my 4th toe on my left foot. Thought I broke it when one of my kicks got shin blocked and went all dark and black n blue after.

Finished the last round though.)

FRI. the 21st: Legs at the gym. Pretty status quo, nothing of note.



Back Extensions 1 x 40 (no added weight)

APOLLON AXLE Deadlift (Did these to change things up a bit.)

110, 200, 220, 250, 270, 290 lbs. x 3

(Back was tight and a little tender on these. Went for 320 and 310 but missed.)

supersetted each time with...

Dumbbell Pullovers x 20 50 lbs.

Barbell anchored T Bar Rows 45, 90, 135 x 5

225 x 2 x 5 (HEAVY!)

Wide Grip Chins

supersetted with....

Close Grip palms facing Chins

2 x 20 each.

Cross Bench Dumbbell Pullovers 5 x 20 50 lbs.
(Done laying across the bech this time as the name indicates. Upper back on bench. More abs and lower back involvent keeping me stable and aligned.)

Log Power Cleans (at home in my shed.)

135, 155, 165 lbs. x 5

185 x 2 x 5

(Fealt really good here just nailed the positioning on them and technique keeping the log tight against me as I cleaned it up. Elbows up and out bringing my shoulder blades together as I transitioned from the thighs in a squatting style clean. Got a good rythmn with my reps too.)

Good, fun day today. Gym was quiet too. This Back & Legs specialty training cycle lately is based on the SPECIALIZATION chapter in KEYS TO PROGRESS by John McCallum. Good read at or

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