Thursday, June 7, 2007



JUNE 6 Arms
All 4 x 10 - 12 from a training article by Lou Ferrigno. One of my favourite bodybuilders.

EZ Bar Curl 175 lbs.
1 Arm DB Tricep Extensions 60 lbs.
ROLLING THUNDER Cable Curl 100 lbs.
Tricep Pushdowns 130 (Triceps were fried after these)
1 Arm Preacher Curl machine 90 lbs.
1 Arm Reverse Pressdown 40 lbs.
1 Arm Cable Kickbacks 40 lbs.

Waaaaay too much isolation work in my opinion. I tweaked a couple exercises for my style but I'm not a fan of the pump and squeeze.
Isolation is good if you are working out around or rehabing injury. But that's about all.Not a primp and poser in front of the mirror here!
I want and need my arms to be as strong as possible. That's all.

Farmers Walks Deadlift and Hold for time with **200 lbs. a side.**
(works your core, legs and especially the grip very hard here keeping the weights up.)

Tire Flip 450 , 600, **650 lbs. x 1****700 lbs. x 5** (I did this by loading weight plates in the far rim of the tire and lifting it upright and lowering it back down.) **NEW PERSONAL BEST**
(Lots of back, hips, legs, glutes, biceps, lower body and posterior chain as well as the pushing muscles at the end finishing the lift. Chest, shoulders, triceps)
Finished with a high reps set with just the empty 450 lbs. tire.
Great cardio as well doing the tire flips

Atlas Stones 175 lbs. unloads , 125lbs. stone lifts reps.
(Didn't have it today on stones but the tire and Deadlift Hold made up for it. Lots of back, biceps, legs here and chest to "crush" grip the stone.)

Juijitsu 90 min. class at 7:30 pm.

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