Friday, March 16, 2007


Today's work out is based on the famous 20 rep sets as in SUPER SQUATS by Randall J. Strossen and KEYS TO PROGRESS by John McCallum. (highly recommended reading!)These have become kind of staples at the gym! Kinda a way to earn your stripes once you've been through a 20 reps SUPER SQUATS type work out. :)

APOLLON AXLE thick bar Deadlifts 1 x 20 with 50% of max1 x 20 with 60% of max2 x 10 - 20 with the 75% max as prescribed in the SUPER SQUATS (Got 20 so will be going up next time. Didn't like my 1st set because the bar was a bit slippery so I used the titegrip to chalk up and went again. The APOLLON AXLE bar is 2" thick so about 50% grip strength to add to the challenge of the lifts you do with it.)

Alternated each with a set of Dumbbell Pullovers laying on the floor for 20 reps with 50 lbs.
20 reps with 60 lbs. and
20 reps with 75 lbs.

Trap Bar Deadlifts (the diamond shaped bar you stand inside and pick up like a wheel barrow. This is actually more like a Squat with the majority of the stress hitting the legs about a 70/30% legs/back ratio where deadlifts with a bar are about 70/30% back. Opposite.) from the floor.

1 x 20 with 50% of max
1 x 20 with 60% of max
2 x 10 - 20 with the 75% max as prescribed in the SUPER SQUATS

(Got 20 so will be going up next time. )
Alternated each with a set of Dumbbell Pullovers laying on the floor for 20 reps with 50 lbs.
20 reps with 60 lbs. and
20 reps with 75 lbs.
Shrugs for 2 sets to warm up then 1 all out set of 20 once again as above.(My hands were dead after this and callouses were killing me! About penny sized by now!! Didn't use a belt or straps atall in this work out because I don't tend to do that until 85% max or heavier.)
Alternated with the Pullovers again to finish.


If you have any questions about these work outs feel free to leave a comment/question or contact me.

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