Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Time to get back and get serious! Have been kinda going through the motions the last while. Needing to get motivated which I know sounds odd coming from a trainer since my job is to motivate people at the gym. BUT...Stay tuned for the next 4 monthes for "my science project" based on a Strongman training macro cycle article in MILO.

Just started my 4 1/2 month macro cycle based on an article in MILO with my own personal touches and alterations based on equipment availlable and my own weaknesses and needs to improve. Using powerlifting, strongman, bodyweight, circuits, plyometrics, bodybuilding, max and dynamic effort, kettlebells/Pavel Tsatsouline ideas ....just about a bit of everything possible at one time or another in the cycle. Along with my martial arts training in Juijitsu and Boxing Gonna be fun! to see what happens by the end. Link to actual issue that has the article my cycle is based on if you want to get it.

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