Wednesday, March 14, 2007


WOW!! Today was a lighter weight circuit training day for endurance/conditioning.

I saw an episode of ULTIMATE FIGHTER ALL ACCESS and the circuit they did on there which looked interesting. So I decided to do a simillar thing based on my own and the equipment availlable at PHOENIX FITNESS Main West.

What it was from the episode was a circuit of 10 exercises at 50% intensity (or very light, no weight) for 100 reps each the 1st round, 90 each the 2nd round and all the way down to 10 reps for the 10th and last round.

Rather than use a complete circuit which would require the gym to be pretty much empty, I did exercises paired as you'll see below......

Band Body Rows with the straps hanging off the stair case alternated with
Press ups with the straps.
(These are like the assisted chin up/dip machine in other gyms but better I think because you still have to balance but while controlling the amount of resistance by how much of yourself you lift up by how far you step out. Each side has to work on its own as well to balance.)

Back Extensions alternated with Ab Crunches on the back extension bench.
(No added weight here. DIDN'T NEED IT!! VERY old school core training before core training was even a term. Got a few looks on this 1. Maybe as I looked like I was about to be ill after the 3rd or 4th super set HA! I had a ROCKY cd in my disc man so I was gonna be alright. Maybe the giant sweat pool forming under the bench from my effort too.)

Smith Machine Shrugs to the front of the body alternated with shrugs with the bar behind me.
(Here front and back counted as 1 set each so 5 in each position for the 10 total sets. Working them front and back for more complete stimuli.

The trapezius muscles, although seen in the front as lumps from the neck to shoulder are actually originated in your mid back and attached/inserted in the front giving them their appearance. So it's most effective to train them with the bar behind you! Something I very rarely see people doing but should.

Shoulder Press machine with the front then rear handles. ( 5 sets each position here same as the shrugs. These were one of the HARDEST pairs of the day! )

Chest Press Machine alternating wider grip handles set with a set of close grip palms facing in handles (5 sets in each position as in earlier. Just taking long enough to reset and go again and exploding the reps out!)

By this time my whole upper body was BURNING!! from fingers to my neck! It also seemed that IF I got past the 60 rep set it was kinda like the downhill jog. I CAN DO THIS! EASY STUFF NOW! once I got to the half way point if I didn't lose it before or between. Close to it a few times!

At this point, I got to sit down.....doing Leg Press alternated with Calf Raises on the Leg Press Machine.
(You don't need to unlock the safety pins for Calf Raises so after my Leg Pressing I'd just lock, reset my toes to the end of the platform and go. Not bad. I might've been able to go a bit heavier here afterall.)

Most of the time I rested long enough to switch grips or reset my position, turn around or whatever on a lift. Keeping a fast pace to build endurance (and whose kidding? Get it over with quick as possible!)

I finished with Seated Rows changing from a wide grip to a palms facing in grip each time so one more time 5 sets in each grip working different areas in the muscle with the different grips.
I really didn't know if I was going to finish my sets here all the way til 10!!!
This was still about 50% max but fealt HEEAAAAVY!!! by now. Was counting in 10's to finish the sets.

THIS was a trainer's REAL practical exam! If you make it through you pass. All theory til you do work outs that test you mentally as hard or more than physically. The real work outs that you STILL talk about years later. The ones you earn the battle scars and respect in.

I ended my day with 8 stair runs with 5 reps of 2 handed dumbbell swings at the bottom each time with a 30 lbs. dumbbell. Cool Down.
(Runs? Fealt more like wading or walking through knee deep snow at this point!)

This is my conditioning day this week. It will change again next week and each of my 4 days in the gym will be a different emphasis. Power 1 day, endurance another, mass phases, special attention to things like core and/or grip training too as I go along the next 4 monthes and each week, month will be different keeping me fresh and interested.

My training is different. Though I certainly can, I don't train my clients (trainees I call them rather more personable.) the way I myself do unless they like that. I can do varied things with the many varied people with their own various goals, needs, quirks and do.

But if you may be reading this and finding it interesting or even to try some work out I post here Let Me Know! :-))

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