Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Prep Training cycle (2 weeks)

Now you get to see how a trainer trains himself! :-))

Week 1 MON , TUES., WED., THUR.

70% Intensity
Log Cleans 1 x 5
Light stone lift 1 x 5
Heavier Stone Partials 1 x 5
Farmers Walk Hold 1x for max time.

Week 2 took out the FW due to ice and snow.
I upped the FW Deadlift & Hold and log to 80% x 1 x 5

4 - 5 days a week using Pavel Tsatsouline's Grease the Groove tactic where you do a lift or series of lifts for 1 low rep set, medium weight high frequency to basically "teach" your body to do them better.
Training more of your nervous system.

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