Saturday, March 24, 2007


MAR. 24

APOLLON AXLE thick bar Deadlifts 1 x 20 with 1601 x 20 with 2001 x 10 - 20 with 260(Got 20 so will be going up next time. The APOLLON AXLE bar is 2" thick so about 50% grip strength to add to the challenge of the lifts you do with it. )
Supersetted each with a set of Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns for 20 reps with 80 lbs.,
20 reps with 110 lbs. and
20 reps with 130 lbs.

Trap Bar Deadlifts from the floor1 x 20 with 2001 x 20 with 2301 x 10 - 20 with 320 (Got 20 so will be going up next time. )

Supersetted each with a set of Pullovers for 20 reps with 50 lbs.
20 reps with 60 lbs. and
20 reps with 75 lbs.

Shrugs for 2 sets to warm up then 1 all out set of 20 once again as above with 365 lbs.(I did the shrugs with the weight behind me. Not many people do them that way but the Trapezeus "TRAPS" muscles are part of the back and not as much infront of the body. So Shrugs behind are more anatomically correct/effective.Didn't use a belt or straps atall in this work out because I don't tend to do that until 85% max or heavier. Only the grip aid I started using from )
Supersetted with the Straight arm Pulldowns again to finish.

Used the Straight arm Cable Pulldowns to save time today as they do the same thing with the same bodyparts as the Dumbbell Pullovers. Just a different position.

My favourite work out of the week. Was really feeling it from the carries from yesterday! But was all good.

Notice that I am using mostly multi joint exercises even in the circuit training days. Even the one side at a time lifts use many muscles together. No isolating each bodypart.
A LOT of emphasis on the Back and Legs and Chest. The BIG muscle groups in the body to gain size and strength here with the smaller arms, shoulders, etc. acting to help support and getting a lot of secondary working out.

I believe also working the big parts and as many at the same time as you can for cardio/endurance will take more energy and **Burn More Calories, Fat Faster and More Effectively! **
You can also do the multi joint training more often without worrying about overtraining your bodyparts.
Things like Deadlifts, carries, Clean & Press also immitate things people do every day outside a gym. Look at a person who works in a physical job like construction, farming, labourers like my brother who works in a rock quarry or those who are involved in lumberjacking like you'd see on TIMBER SPORTS on TSN. What does the job usually involve??
Lifting from the ground, carrying, pushing or pulling something.

Even something as simple as carrying groceries, lifting boxes or your dog or kids, whatever can be helped by this type of exercise.

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