Monday, March 12, 2007


Split it in 2 parts between training a regular visually impaired client. (I call it that because he's not completely blind.)

Bottom Position Squats with 75% max 5 x 5
(You start the lift at parallel level for you in a power rack. A dead start no momentum. Squat down til your thighs are 90 degrees with the floor and reach to the nearest set of pin holes. This is where you set the safety pins to lift the bar from. Very taxing for the low back, stabilizers, hips and legs.)

Alternated with....
Dumbbell Pullovers lying on floor (Dropping right down to complete a set of 5 with 75% heaviest right after squats. This taxs the upper body. Back, Chest, Abdominals and Triceps and acts as a stretching movement as well for the back/abs after squatting.)
Tried using a BOSU but didn't like how that fealt. Not a fan of them anyway and only use/teach them in things like Planks.
Reason is, 9/10 people have bad enough posture and stability/balance on 2 feet on solid ground. Why complicate this problem? Master the standing on stable surface first!

Did NOT use a belt here! So to work the stabilizer muscles more effectively as mentioned above. Was not a weight that warranted a belt either.

Standing Shoulder Press in the rack: Again the 5 x 5 with 75% and no belt.
(Fealt a little shaky here but I think it was because the back and legs were fatigued already from the squatting.)

Stiff Legged Deadlift (smith machine) 3 x 5 adding weight each set. (I did use a belt here but no straps)

I finished the work out after my training session with 20 min. of alternated forward and backward sled dragging laps around the gym.
10 min. at 60% or 190 lbs. and another 10 min. dropping to 40% or 140 lbs.

GREAT CARDIO AND INTERVAL WORK! A full body move as well especially back, hamstrings, calves feeling it after. Light weight now and more for conditioning as I will usually backward pull up to 320 lbs.
Sit back down into it and PUUUULLLLL!!! taking short choppy steps once it gets going and lean far forward and low short stepping up on toes when pulling it forward behind you.
Watch the initial jolt! :-P

Took the boxing FIGHT FIT class at STEEL CITY CROSSFIT after a break at work.
Heavy bag rounds and pads work combinations for rounds mostly.

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