Monday, July 28, 2008

Heavy Backward Sled Dragging 1 trip around my yard as far as I could go with 300 lbs. total with chin/dip chain belt around my waist no hand bar, dragging the sled in gravel.

Did 25 x 1 Bottom Position Squats in the power rack at 325 lbs.
(1 - 2 min. between 1's)

(F#@! that was Hard! Wasn't sure if I was going to finish the 25 about at 14! That was real physical effort. I recommend more people try that to improve their quality of life. That is in my own personal opinion as a professional trainer. BLAAAAAH!)

12 x 1 Bottom Position Olympic bar Bench Press in the power rack at 265 lbs.
(30 - 60 sec. between 1's)
(Did these instead of log bar to save time and quicker to set up instead of going to get the other bar in the back room.)

I can't really do these lifts in true powerlifting rules form so I do them a different way that works for me individually and able to do them with free weights.

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