Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sled Dragging with a chin/dip chain belt tied to my tire sled. 250, 200, 150, 100 lbs. plus the tire sled weight (with rim 30 lbs.??) til failure each weight.

Interesting because I was feeling really stiff/sore this morning in my hips and back but after the sled work I fealt great! Warmed up, more mobility, flexability then after the sled maybe? Seems to make the most sense. Even working it fairly heavy and hard. Not just strolling around with it.

APOLLON AXLE Deadlifts 25 x 1 @ 70% or 240 lbs.
(1 - 2 min. between 1's) EASY!
(No belt, wraps or anything here. Tried Deadlifting in socks today. As that lowers you to the floor of course. I didn't know how that was gonna go for me though because of my slight uneven hip gaite and wearing a slightly built up shoe to correct that. But yes it did what it was supposed to do. :D Will deadlift in socks more now when going heavy too. )

12 x 1 Bottom Position Log bar Bench Press in the power rack at 225 lbs. or 70%
(1 - 2 min. between 1's)

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