Friday, January 29, 2010


JUIJITSU (Grappling and Sparring and fealt great again. Totally recovered from the Squats, mobile and training the way I should be again.)

Upper Body Lifting:

BOTTOM POSITION BENCH PRESS in the power rack: 1 x 45, 135, 225, 245, 275 (It took a couple resets on the 275 but finally got it.)
225 x 5 x 5

2" THICK BAR AXLE CURLS: 110, 130, 150, 160, 190 X1 *NEW PERSONAL BEST*
130 X 5 X 5

LOG BAR MILITARY PRESS in the power rack: 1 x 45, 135, 155, 175, 195 (2 tries at the 195 lbs.) then 135 x 5 x 5

This was based on a Doug Hepburn maximum strength/power routine. The 5 x 5's at the end were supposed to be lighter hypertrophy sets around 70 - 75% or a 10 - 12 reps weight. After the heavy 1's dropping to a lighter weight as a finisher.

Wondering if this work out will have the same effect on my upper body as Monday's did on my lower body?

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