Saturday, April 14, 2007


APR. 14
JUIJITSU 1 hr. class

A quick work out for core today to reinforce the back which I've been working very hard/heavy.
A strength builder for the midsection rather than just for looks like six pack abs.
Very functional and preventative medicine!

Sledge hammer swings across body 25 swings a side
(A great exercise for forearms, back and shoulders as well as the sides. Can do a simillar exercise with cables, medicine ball, dumbbell or weight plate in the gym. )

Side to sides with 60 lbs. water purifier jug filled with gravel 25 reps a side.
(like the simillar exercise done with a medicine ball from boxing. Obliques and other muscles in the sides of the body. You can do a simillar version as well with a medicine ball, dumbbell, weight plate or cables in the gym.)

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