Monday, April 9, 2007


I got an interesting e mail from John Wood at and about what/who influenced his style of training.

This made me think of all the things that make up the way I like to train myself like you read about here or see me doing at the gym.

Bodybuilding style training from former MR. OLYMPIA Dorian Yates BLOOD & GUTS based on Mr. Universe Mike & Ray Mentzer HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING. Lee Haney (8x MR. OLYMPIA ) and Lou Ferrigno (MR. UNIVERSE and t.v.’s INCREDIBLE HULK ) are favourites/influences as well.

Thick bar training from MILO (,
Arm, grip training from pro armwrestling. (

Bodyweight movements from martial arts like Aikido, Muay Thai, wrestling and Juijitsu

Stone, log lifting, tire flip, odd objects from WORLD’S STRONGEST MAN

Power and Sandbags work, and other DINOSAUR TRAINING from Brooks Kubik

20 rep sets from Super Squats and KEYS TO PROGRESS (

Multi joint lifting and bodyweight circuits from Zach Even – Esh (

Check out these references and what they have to offer!

A big thing in training is looking at a program or exercise and seeing how to modify it based on your limitations, level, needs and/or what you have available to train with which is the point John Wood made in the e mail and a point I am re enforcing here too.



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