Monday, April 16, 2007


APR. 15
JUIJITSU training camp 2 hrs. (sparring, grappling, mixed)
(Basically ULTIMATE FIGHTING with head gear, etc.)

APR. 16 Mon.
APOLLON AXLE Partial Deadlift from the knee height start. 200, 290, 380 x 1 Then..... I held the 380 at the top of the lift locked out for as long as I could. Then did the same lift and holds with 290 and then 200 lbs. for extra grip.
Gym was abuzz with people training so I wanted to show my unique stuff.

(The black AXLE bar is 2" around so A LOT tougher to hold onto in whatever lift you do. Can be used for EVERY barbell lift but adds a new challenge to it. The story behind this type of bar is about a circus strongman in the 1800's Louis "APOLLON" Uni, who would lift a 2" around train axle and wheels weighing 366 lbs. from the ground to the shoulders and overhead as we see in weightlifting in the Olympics, the Clean & Jerk lift. A challenge lift and the main event in his strongman act. Even today, only a handful of the elite strong men around the world can match this lift.

Lunges alternated with Good Mornings in the smith machine
5 x 5 each with 135, 225, 275, 315, 325 lbs.
(Fealt A LOT better than last week! Last week these nearly killed me but now I fealt like I could do twice as many. ) (Legs, hips, glutes, low back. I'll also sometime use a step to perform a Step up instead of the Lunge.)

1 Arm Sled Drags with ROLLING THUNDER 2" Handle: 225, 180, 135 lbs. each.
(With a thicker 2" handle again. Like a super 1 arm row done for upper back. Bicep, grip, legs , cardio are worked here too. Go as far as I could with each weight alternating hands, then decrease weight. Made from a snow saucer sled with a rope from CANADIAN TIRE and various handles at the gym.

Bodyweight Squats - Ball Crunch - Dips: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
(Great bodyweight circuit taken from MUAY THAI training.)

One of my favourite days of the training week right now. Actually pretty short but taxing from working the legs and back together. They are the 2 biggest, strongest muscle groups in your body. So working them intensely in 1 session can be a VERY effective work out whether you go heavy or lighter with high reps on your body systems.

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