Monday, April 2, 2007


Apr. 2nd
Partial Deadlift in the power rack (from knees height start)
420 lbs. x 3 x 3 (or 82% of max)
450 lbs. x 2 x 3 (or 87% of max.)
(Fealt really heavy to start But by the 450 lbs. I got into it more. Used the bounce between reps to keep it going otherwise I don't know if I would've finished them today. Surprising! Trap Bar partials are waaaay easier/smoother.)

1 Arm Press
3 x 3 with 90 lbs. each side then
2 x 3 with 95 lbs. each
(Fealt REALLY STRONG on these today!)

ROLLING THUNDER 1 Arm Deadlifts: 3 x 3 with 100 lbs. right handed and 160 lbs. left hand (I'm left handed so big difference there and left is my armwrestling arm!)

ROLLING THUNDER 1 Arm Cable Holds: 3 holds for time each hand with the whole 150 lbs. cable crossover stack.

1 Arm Dumbbell High Pulls 3 x 5 each with 55 lbs. (or 80% of heaviest.)

(This work out day is becoming the most draining of the week so stopped there with the lifting portion. Will place the sled work on a less intense day so I can give it the proper focus. Was still feeling it from Saturday as well. See CARRY & DRAG previous post.)

Did the sparring class in Boxing for cardio about 45 min. round robin style rounds with each person around the ring. Some new sparring partners in there tonight so was interesting and fun.

Saw 300 today and training was very Spartan - like today as a result.

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