Friday, April 27, 2007


APR. 26
JUIJITSU class 1 hour
(Fealt really good getting out there training on the mat after such a busy week focused much on strength training.)

APR. 27

A.M. Before work....
Log Cleans 135, 155, 185 x 1
(Fealt REALLY HEAVY this time. Don't know if it was my back not recovered fully, mental burn out on this exercise, tired or combination of that. Will need to concentrate more on my technique on this lift next week when I use lighter weight and high reps. )

Log Bent Rows 4 x 5 185 lbs.
(Something new! )

The new is almost ready! We filmed the new video profiles of the staff . today and it went really well. Smoked it!! Can't wait to see the finished clips! :-)
3 training sessions as well spread out through the afternoon.

After work.....

Power Rack Bottom Position Bench Press 4 x 2 88% (275 lbs.)
(First set fealt heavy like everything today seemed to. But got better as I went. Started with a quick warm up empty 45 lbs. bar x 1 x 10)

Power Rack Standing Shoulder Press 4 x 2 88% (185 lbs.)
(Pressing fealt good today!)


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